What is an Industrial Vegan?

what is an industrial vegan

What is an Industrial Vegan?

If you’re a vegan, then you know that eating a plant-based diet reduces animal exploitation and cruelty. You may even support a local farm to source your meat and dairy from animals that weren’t industrially raised and farmed.

But what is an industrial vegan? This relatively new term entered the lexicon in June 2021 when actor Craig Ferguson used it on his ABC game show The Hustler.


A person who is an industrial vegan avoids eating animal products that are derived from animals that have been raised using industrial methods such as factory farming. However, they are open to consuming animal products that have been produced in more traditional or ethical settings. For example, an industrial vegan might choose to eat a burger from Walmart, but only if it was produced in an ethical or free-range setting.

Industrial veganism is an important movement in the fight against animal exploitation. It encourages people to think about how the food they eat, clothing they wear, and other things they use are made and sourced. It also encourages people to consider the impact their actions have on animals, people, and the environment.

For many people, switching to an industrial vegan diet is a big step. It can be difficult to completely remove meat, dairy, and other animal-derived foods from one’s diet, but for those who are committed to making a difference, it is well worth the effort.

In addition to being good for the health of humans, cutting out animal products is a great way to reduce the environmental impact of industrial agriculture. By reducing greenhouse gas emissions, deforestation, and water pollution, plant-based options can help to combat climate change and protect natural resources.

As a growing number of individuals are becoming aware of the horrific conditions that occur at factory farms, they are starting to move away from eating animal products. Many of these people are opting to eat burgers that are sourced from an ethical or free-range setting, rather than the ones that come from a fast food chain.

Although this is a positive move for the welfare of the animals, it doesn’t really address the bigger issues surrounding factory farming. This is why many people are choosing to become industrial vegans, as it gives them the freedom to still eat some of their favourite foods, while still having an impact on the bigger picture.


An industrial vegan is a person who doesn’t consume animal products from animals raised with industrial methods such as factory farming. However, they may still consume animal products that were not raised with industrial methods. For example, they might consume eggs and meat that are from local farmers. They might also consume plant-based meats that are made from plant-based ingredients and have significantly lower greenhouse gas emissions than conventional beef or pork.

The term industrial vegan was first coined by Syd, a contestant on the television show The Hustler. She used the term to describe her diet, which consists of mostly vegetables, plant-based proteins, and leafy greens. She also eats eggs and meat from a local farmer a few times a month. She created a video in which she explained why she chose to use the term industrial vegan.

Many people choose to become industrial vegans for a variety of reasons. They might want to reduce their environmental impact, they might be concerned about animal cruelty, or they might want to improve their health. In some cases, people who are industrial vegans started off as dietary vegans for health reasons and then moved on to ethical veganism.

Industrial vegans typically eat a whole foods plant-based diet that includes lots of fruits, veggies, and legumes. They avoid processed foods, including refined sugar, and they choose only food that has a clean label. Some people who are industrial vegans also practice other environmentally friendly lifestyle habits, such as driving a hybrid car or using reusable plastic water bottles.

Industrial veganism can be a great way to cut down on animal cruelty and decrease your carbon footprint, but it’s not for everyone. If you’re interested in becoming an industrial vegan, you should do your research before making the decision. You can start by reading about the benefits of going vegan and the consequences of being an industrial vegan. In addition, you can also try some vegan recipes and learn more about the ethical issues related to industrial veganism. If you’re not sure if this is the right diet for you, it’s always a good idea to talk to a healthcare provider or nutritionist.


An industrial vegan is a person who doesn’t wear furs or leather, eat meat or dairy products and does everything they can to avoid animal-related products. These individuals don’t consider themselves true vegans because they still consume animal products, but are working to limit the impact of those products on the environment and the animals themselves. People may choose to be industrial vegans for a variety of reasons, including ethical, environmental and health concerns.

Some benefits of being an industrial vegan include reduced health risks, a lower carbon footprint and helping to protect animals. In addition, those who follow this diet can enjoy a more nutritious and flavorful meal by consuming whole foods that are rich in vitamins and minerals. They can also help to reduce their risk of obesity, chronic diseases and other health issues by avoiding high-fat, saturated fats and cholesterol found in animal-based foods.

Another benefit of being an industrial vegan is the sense of community that can be formed by connecting with other people who share similar interests. This can be done through local or online vegan groups, which can provide support and resources for those who want to make the switch to this lifestyle.

Those who are new to being an industrial vegan may find it challenging to get started at first, but the benefits can be worth it in the long run. It can be helpful to seek out a vegan mentor to guide them through the transition, and to help to find recipes that are both healthy and delicious.

It is also a good idea to use separate appliances, dishes and kitchen tools when preparing different types of food to prevent cross-contamination. For example, using a dedicated plate or cutting board for storing vegan items may help to ensure that non-vegan food doesn’t drip onto them.

It is important for those who are interested in becoming an industrial vegan to take the time to consider their motivations and consider how they will impact other people and the planet. In order to make the most sustainable choice possible, they should consider limiting their purchases from big box stores and buying local produce that is grown in environmentally friendly ways. They should also try to use eco-friendly cleaning products when cleaning their home.


Industrial vegans are committed to consuming plant-based foods only. They do not wear leather or other animal products, and they seek out companies that prioritize sustainable packaging, manufacturing, and transportation. They also prefer to purchase locally sourced foods and products, which can help reduce carbon emissions and support local communities.

However, while industrial vegans do not eat any food or products that have been produced using animal-derived ingredients, they are still allowed to consume some meat and dairy. This is because a vegan diet can be adapted to include animal products that are sourced in a responsible way. In addition, some vegans may choose to eat a raw or whole-foods plant-based diet. This type of vegan diet is characterized by eating a variety of fresh vegetables and fruits, as well as nuts and seeds. These foods are nutrient-dense and free of harmful fats and chemicals.

While industrial veganism can be beneficial for the environment, it is not without its critics. Some people argue that it is not ethical to eat any animal-derived products, regardless of their source. Others point out that a vegan diet can have negative effects on the environment, as it increases the demand for non-vegan products. Moreover, it can displace small farmers and encourage industrialized farming methods.

In order to ensure that they do not accidentally consume any animal products, industrial vegans must carefully read labels and avoid food that contains them. They should also be careful when storing their foods, as they could drip onto non-vegan products or items in the same fridge or freezer. Additionally, they must be sure not to store vegan food next to non-vegan foods.

Ultimately, industrial veganism is a lifestyle choice that can have many positive benefits. Not only does it eliminate the need to eat any food derived from animals, but it can also save money on groceries and other everyday expenses. In addition, it can help prevent environmental degradation and protect human health. For these reasons, industrial veganism has become increasingly popular. But it is important to remember that it is not right for everyone.

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